TMI Dynamatics (Real Time Simulations and Control)

There is also an opportunity for WSU, through EDC and Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology (FSET) to be involved in the THRIP Research Project in partnership with TMI Dynamatics (Real Time Simulations and Control), but these talks are still at an early stage. The involvement shall be through Research Assistance, financial support for Postgraduate and Undergraduate students.


The project team thus far is: National Aerospace Centre (NAC), WITS, DUT and TMI /WSU EDC).  Delft University is also being negotiated with to get on board but it may take time.



The envisaged Walter Sisulu University role  shall be designing and developing the man-machine interfacing and the models for the propulsion and general systems. Undergraduate students from the mechanical, electronics, industrial and graphical design departments shall be recruited, screened and selected to support the research themes allocated to WSU

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